
Youth for Global Goals Forum: Innovation for the Future of Europe and its Youth


Deel dit met

24 April 2020 10:00
24 April 2020 17:00
Korte omschrijving

AIESEC en Microsoft nodigen u uit op hun Youth for Global Goals Forum rond Sustainable Development Goals 8: Waardig Werk & Economische Groei en 17: Partnerschap om doelstellingen te bereiken. Sprekers van bedrijven, vzw's, universiteiten en de EU zullen hun ideeën delen wat betreft technologie, vernieuwing en duurzaamheid. Het belooft een interessante dag te worden voor studenten en (bijna) afgestudeerden om nieuwe perspectieven te leren kennen.


The world is evolving, and so is technology. But how can this happen in a sustainable way, to improve processes and to act upon the Global Goals of the United Nations? AIESEC and Microsoft are excited to invite you to the Youth for Global Goals Forum: Innovation for the Future of Europe and its Youth.

Speakers from well-known companies, NGOs, universities and EU institutions will share with you their ideas on technology, innovation & sustainability in panel conversations and keynotes. They will discuss how innovation and technological upgrades can impact economic development in Europe and how digitalization can help improve decision-making. Furthermore, workshops will make you discover and understand how YOU can make a difference on this subject.
Youth For Global Goals Forum is an event organized by AIESEC that takes place in multiple AIESEC entities around the world. It brings young leaders together with business leaders, thought leaders and experts for a conversation around youth contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals agenda. This way, we strive to bring diverse perspectives on current world issues to enable contribution to reach the goals by 2030.
Attendance for this event is free, but you must register to get your spot reserved.
Spots are very limited, so make sure you apply now before all places are booked!
More information about the program will be shared later, so stay tuned to see updates here.

Naam van de organisator
AIESEC in Belgium
Categorie organisator
Contactpersoon (openbaar)
Youth for Global Goals team
Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels
Rue Montoyer 51
Brussel 1000
Toegankelijk voor gehandicapten

Location Map