
Increasing scarcity of raw materials - What are the effects on achieving the SDGs? (Side event WRF 2019)


Deel dit met

27 February 2019 09:00
27 February 2019 13:00
Korte omschrijving

During this side-event, FIDO in collaboration with the Institute of Sustainable Development IDO will present a study on the scarcity of raw materials and its effects on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


On behalf of the Federal Institute of Sustainable Development (FIDO/IFDD), the Institute of Sustainable Development (IDO) conducted a study on scarcity of raw materials and its effects on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During a side-event at the World Resource Forum in Antwerp, the results of this study will be presented and discussed. Afterwards, a group of experts from relevant policy domains within the government, business & civil society will reflect on the possible risks and opportunities presented by the study. There is an increasing challenge to cope with the scarcity of important raw materials. If you want to learn more about the possible challenge Belgium will be facing, you are most welcome to attend this seminar or pass the invitation on to others who might be interested.

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Contactpersoon (openbaar)
Katherina Wallyn
The Side-event takes place at the Flanders Meeting & Convention Center - Marble Hall ( Antwerp).
Koningin Astridplein 20
Antwerp 2018
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