
YouthSpeak Forum


Deel dit met

22 April 2017 10:00
22 April 2017 19:00
Korte omschrijving

The YouthSpeak Forum is an event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a multi-generational space where people from diverse backgrounds can share ideas, insights and gain new perspectives to produce actionable outcomes to push the world forward.

The Youthspeak Forum is a global movement designed to let every voice be heard and offer the opportunity for each individual to share visions, hopes, ideas and global will to contribute to a better world through active participation to keynotes (speeches), workshops and realization of public designed projects on topics of education and/or innovation.

We make this happen by taking our delegates through the unique and interactive framework of INSPIRE, ENGAGE and ACT.


In partnership with EY (Ernst & Young), the European Parliamentary Forum on Population & Development, UNIDO (United Nations Industrial and Development Organization), and Teach for Belgium,

With the participation of
Madame Joëlle Milquet, former Belgian Minister of Education,
Ange Uzanziga, Teach for Belgium representative,
Bruno Wattenbergh, EY Senior Advisor, Solvay Business School of Economics and Management Academic Director of the AMIE & AMISM programs, Economic Editorialist at Bel RTL,

And powered by AIESEC,

The YouthSpeak Forum is an event that brings together both young and senior leaders to form a multi-generational space where people from diverse backgrounds can share ideas, insights and gain new perspectives to produce actionable outcomes to push the world forward.

The Youthspeak Forum is a global movement designed to let every voice be heard and offer the opportunity for each individual to share visions, hopes, ideas and global will to contribute to a better world through active participation to keynotes (speeches), workshops and realization of public designed projects on topics of education and/or innovation.

Consequently, the participants will be asked to design a project following its will to contribute and act positively on our society. This project is the true intention of the Youthspeak Forum: to be a first shaker and a mover of our society.

Agenda of the day:

10.00-10.30 Opening
10.30-10.45 Keynote Joëlle Milquet (former education minister)
10.45-11.00 Keynote UNIDO
11.00-11.15 Keynote Teach for Belgium Keynote European Parliament deputies of the EPF
11.30-12.00 Panel Discussion
12.00-13.00 Networking Lunch
13.00-14.15 Workshops
14.15-14.45 Networking space - coffee break
14.45-16.45 Action space within same groups than workshops
16.45-17.00 Break
17.00-17.30 Ideas pitches (one per group)
17.30-18.00 Closing + project winner announcement
18.00-19.00 Reception Event

Any questions? Contact us by e-mail : or via our Facebook page : Youthspeak Forum Belgium.

Tickets: pre-order: 4,50€, on place: 6€.
Place: ICHEC Boulevard Brand Whitlock 4, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tickets: (Includes speeches, panel discussion, workshops, Lunch, Cocktails and more).


- Belvita
- Ernst & Young
- European Parliament Forum on Population & Development
- Schweepes
- Teach for Belgium
- Belgian Federal Institute for sustainable Development

Any questions? Contact us by e-mail : or by Our Facebook page : Youthspeak Forum Belgium

Naam van de organisator
AIESEC in Belgium
Categorie organisator
Contactpersoon (openbaar)
AIESEC in Belgium
ICHEC Management School
Boulevard Brand Whitlock 2, 1150 Brussels, Belgium
Brussels 1150
Toegankelijk voor gehandicapten

Location Map