SDG Voices 2017

The Federal Institute for Sustainable Development and The Shift have designated 8 'SDG Voices' for 2017. These 8 organizations are true Belgian ambassadors for the sustainable development objectives, better known as the SDGs. In short, the SDGs are the biggest challenges for a sustainable world, translated into 17 objectives. 17 sustainable 'to do's' you might say! For a year, these organizations have been actively promoting the SDGs with their supporters and the public in general. An overview of the organizations and their plans can be found below:
- 11.11.11
- Bond Beter leefmilieu
- Colruyt Group
- DUO for a JOB
- GoodPlanet
- Le Mouvement Action Paysanne
- Stad Gent
11.11.11 is the umbrella organisation of the Flemish North-South Movement. It combines the forces of 60 organisations and 330 volunteer groups which work towards one common goal: a just world without poverty. Influencing policy is the main focus in the North. In the South, 11.11.11 helps organisations by supporting well-considered development initiatives and stimulating cooperation.
11.11.11 and its members cooperate on the sustainable development goals (SDGs). They exert pressure on various institutions to take tangible steps towards the realization of the sustainable development goals with policy makers, local governments, the general public and schools. Under the coordination of 11.11.11 and Association 21, the file 'Trajectories for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Belgium' was delivered in September 2015.
Concretely, 11.11.11 wishes to translate the SDG agenda approved in New York to the class room. Students not only discover what the SDGs are, but they also learn how they can contribute to the realisation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The educational material is bundled and a video shows good practices from the schools.
Bond Beter Leefmilieu
Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL) is the network bringing together organisations, citizens, public authorities and organisations with similar goals: making the switch towards a sustainable, renewable society. BBL works on 5 crucial themes which must undergo a transition in order to shape the sustainable society with a fully renewable, circular economy: nutrition, raw materials, energy, space and mobility. BBL cooperates with citizens (committed, worried citizens), companies (leading companies), public authorities (Flemish, federal and European) and social organisations or associations.
Bond Beter Leefmilieu opts for a sustainable communication approach via the existing communication channels. BBL is setting to work on the SDGs via three large communication campaigns: making its network and citizens aware of the SDGs via inspiring stories, calling upon their network and citizens to set to work on the SDGs themselves and, whenever possible, include the SDGs in the social debate.
By means of our development projects, awareness-raising campaigns and interpellations, we provide structural and concrete solutions to eliminate poverty and defend a fairer world, together with our affiliated NGO members and in cooperation with our partners in the South. Our primary concerns are the improvement of human rights in all its dimensions and the protection of the environment to guarantee a better future for the current and future generations.
The CNCD-11.11.11 and its members combine their powers in order to realise the sustainable development goals, the SDGs. Together with its Flemish counterpart 11.11.11, the CNCD-11.11.11 coordinates a broad platform of civil society, consisting of environmental NGOs, trade unions, development NGOs, platforms for sustainable development and for a social and inclusive economy and the youth and women's movements. As a whole, this broad coalition exerts pressure on different bodies, in order for the policy makers, local governments, the general public and schools to concretely implement the sustainable development goals. The CNCD-11.11.11 has published various studies and analyses on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the sustainable development goals (More info:
In particular, CNCD-11.11.11 aims to organise an awareness-raising campaign on the SDGs. That campaign will be based on a poll, of which the results will be published via the media and our communication channels. In doing so, citizens discover what the SDGs entail and how they can contribute to their realization.
Colruyt Group
Colruyt Group distributes food and non-food in Belgium, France and Luxembourg, via 500 of their own stores and over 500 affiliated, independent stores. In Belgium it concerns Colruyt, OKay, Bio-Planet, Cru, Dreamland, Dreambaby and the independent Spar stores. We also operate in wholesale trade and food service (Solucious), fuel (DATS 24), print and document management (Symeta) and the production of green electricity (Eoly). The Group has more than 29,000 employees and realised turnover of 9.1 billion euro in 2015/16.
Sustainable business is in Colruyt Group's blood. From the passion for sustainable business and the respect for humankind and the environment, they want to initiative a positive spiral, economically, socially and ecologically.
Naturally, Colruyt Group is thrilled that as a Voice of the SDGs they will be able to create more support for a sustainable society. Therefore in their communication to employees and clients, they will systematically link their sustainability projects to one or more SDGs. They will also encourage their partners to frame their sustainability initiatives within the UN sustainability agenda. More information can be found via simply sustainable.
DUO for a JOB
The association DUO for a JOB, an initiative of young people in Brussels, has been in operation since 2013.
The organisation aims to eradicate the social and geographical gaps in the city, tear down walls between neighbours, and to (re)value people whose competencies or experiences are not, no longer or hardly acknowledged by others.
Within the framework of a common project - moving young people into work -, DUO offers intergenerational and intercultural mentoring. The organisation has an innovative way to actively participate in themes which are close to the heart of our society: immigration and integration, employment of people under 30, active ageing and social cohesion.
Practically, DUO puts young people who have difficulties finding employment due to their ethnic and/or geographical background into contact with experienced seniors in their desired industry, to help, support and counsel them in their professional project (education, internship, employment). As soon as the duos have been formed, the association provides support during the entire mentoring period.
DUO for a JOB shares the aim of the SDGs to make the other "voices" known as well as concrete and tangible, to bring them within arm's reach, so that future actions will be both collective and individual. As of spring 2017, DUO for a JOB will, within the context of a number of events and via different media, promote the development goals among the largest audience possible that, if they weren't already, will be convinced.
GoodPlanet Belgium inspires people of all ages to realise a sustainable society, through positive action and sharing expertise.
They do so by developing and overseeing projects, workshops and teaching materials on all sustainability themes. Every day 50 employees and dozens of volunteers across the country use their know-how and passion in the field of sustainable development.
First and foremost, they are aimed at children and adolescents. Annually, the educators raise awareness among over 300,000 children and adolescents. GoodPlanet is also a partner of companies which actively want to play a social role and organizes awareness-raising actions for a broad public. In doing so, they also reach 50,000 adults each year. Besides this significant impact at an individual and group level, they also strive for a more structural impact on our society. The creative ideas of GoodPlanet have already inspired many policy makers.
As a SDG Voice, GoodPlanet takes up the challenge to raise awareness for the global plan for a better world. And they do that their own way: through positive campaigns. In schools, at work and within their network of 'GoodFriends'. They want to invite, inspire and motivate every person they meet to move towards a beautiful future together, here and elsewhere, for everyone. Together we can make this planet a GoodPlanet.
Le Mouvement Action Paysanne
The Mouvement d’Action Paysanne is made up of female and male, current and future farmers, and consumers which support them. Together they have founded an Ecole Paysanne Indépendante, which offers education, information and counselling to people who want to develop their professional activity or provide in their own food by means of agroecology in the countryside and food sovereignty.
Together they work every day on the sustainable development of our planet and its inhabitants, with respect for environment, nature, food and the people that produce and consume it. Together they will pursue the sustainable development objectives in all activities, awareness-raising campaigns and demonstrations, whether they organize them themselves or participate in them.
The SDG Voice MAP will be present at events such as the Fête du Développement Durable in Dour, Agroecology in Action in Brussels, the Festival du Film Alimentaire, Dag van de Boerenstrijd (17 April), ... . They will organize SDG Voices training, as well as two meetings aimed at the Participatory Guarantee System. During the last weekend of July 2017, the Petite Foire de Semel, which highlights alternatives of the agribusiness, will be the icing on the cake of the campaign, in the presence of producers, craftspeople, artists and their "consum'actors".
Stad Gent
Ghent, the capital of East Flanders, offers the rare combination of the intimacy of a compact city and the openness of a metropolis. With over 255,000 residents and 72,000 students, Ghent is the second largest city in Flanders and the largest student city. Versatile, historical and contemporary, all at once. As a local public authority, the City of Ghent stimulates initiatives of its citizens as much as possible, in order to work towards an open, inclusive, sustainable, wise and child-friendly city. Together they build 'Ghent: so much city'.
As a SDG Voice, the city will broadly communicate towards its Ghent residents on what the sustainable development goals exactly entail. At the same time, they look beyond the city's borders and challenge other central cities in Belgium to engage in a challenge, the #SDGChallenge.
The City of Ghent further translates the SDGs into the multi-annual planning of the city itself, and we reach out to other local governments in Belgium to do the same.