World Resource Forum 2019: FIDO hosts side-event on scarcity of raw materials & the SDGs

On Wednesday the 27th of February, The Federal Institute of Sustainable Development (FIDO/IFDD) hosts a side-event at the World Resource Forum 2019 in Antwerp. During this side-event, FIDO in collaboration with the Institute of Sustainable Development IDO will present a study on the scarcity of raw materials and its effects on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The Side-event takes place at the Marble Hall (the Flanders Meeting & Convention Center, Antwerp).
On behalf of the Federal Institute of Sustainable Development (FIDO/IFDD), the Institute of Sustainable Development (IDO) conducted a study on scarcity of raw materials and its effects on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During a side-event at the World Resource Forum in Antwerp, the results of this study will be presented and discussed. Afterwards, a group of experts from relevant policy domains within the government, business & civil society will reflect on the possible risks and opportunities presented by the study. There is an increasing challenge to cope with the scarcity of important raw materials. If you want to learn more about the possible challenge Belgium will be facing, you are most welcome to attend this seminar or pass the invitation on to others who might be interested.
Programme & Register
- 9:00 Doors are open
- 9:30 Welcome by Representative of the Ministry of Sustainable Development
- 9:45 Key note by Prof. Ester van der Voet (Leiden University & IRP)
- 10:15 Presentation of the results (Bernard Mazijn, ID)
- 10:45 Response from Prof. Ester van der Voet
- 11:00 Coffe Break
- 11:30 Response from involved public administrations in Belgium
- 12:10 Response of other stakeholders
- 12:45 Discussion round with public
- 13:00 Lunch
Reduction for the WRF 2019
Attending this side-event makes you eligible for a reduction for the World Resource Forum 2019 on Monday 25/02 or Tuesday 26/02. Check out the programme here.
How much is the reduction?
- 1 Day Attendance: € 300 instead of € 625
- Full Conference: € 475 instead of € 795
How do I get a reduction?
- First register for our side-event through eventbrite
- Then register for the WRF 2019 here
- During your registration choose the option 'Registration for Workshop Speakers & specify the following:
- Full title of workshop: Side-event 'Increasing scarcity of raw materials: effects on achievement of the SDG Targets'
- Organiser of workshop: FIDO
- Choose between: full conference or a 1 day attendance
Want to register or want more information?
- You can officially register through the Eventbrite page of FIDO/IFDD
- Check out the full programme here.
- Want to consult the study before your attendance? Take a look at the summaries available in Dutch, French or English.
- For more information, contact us at