Energy4commons designs, develops and implements off-grid rural and urban electrification programs using renewable energy. We provide our technical expertise and know-how to support developers, institutions, consultants and operators in all stages of thinking and deployment of Projects concerning access to electricity.
From preliminary studies to assisting operators in the field, Energy4commons offers its expertise and provides the network needed to support developers at every stage of a rural and urban electrification project.
Access to reliable, affordable and sustainable energy is a pillar of prosperity and development for every economy. It is part of the 17 sustainable development goals included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations Member States in 2015. Despite the recent increase in electrification worldwide, access to modern energy continues to represent an urgent and real need for about 840 million people all over the world.
Energy4commons advocates for access to modern, reliable and affordable energy as a fundamental and inalienable right for all human beings. We develop a campaign addressed to the civil society, as well as to policy makers, investors and stakeholders in the energy industry in order to promote an understanding of the urgency of implementing efficient and credible actions to enable universal access to energy to more vulnerable communities.
Energy4commons operates as a non-governmental, independent organization recognized to be of public interest and is registered as a non-profit association under Belgian law.